Monday, May 6, 2013

Wanna see my scar?

OK, it's been two and a half weeks. It's not really that gross anymore. In fact, I was surprised to see that you can hardly see it anymore. So if you want to see where they cut me open to make me the bionic woman, take a look. If not, don't read any more of this post!

Things are pretty much back to normal around here. After my first week back at work, I was exhausted. Add state testing (which in and of itself is somehow an exhausting experience) on top of getting back into routine and I was beat every evening. On Saturday, I slept in. That rejuvenated me for my busy weekend of getting the sunporch and patio unpacked and cleaned out. It was such a gorgeous weekend, that I got the itch to entertain. I am ready for summer! I can now hang out in my favorite room of the house - the sunporch! I went to the greenhouse and got plants and got started on my gardening. Next weekend it will be getting the camper out and cleaned up and packed for the summer season. And while I am busy doing all my favorite things of this season, it's OK that I really can't hear any better than before. My activation date is May 17 and with that date in my head, I can continue to plow through my days, because I know it will be here before I even turn around! I keep telling people "Now it's just a waiting game." Well, not really. I am NOT sitting around waiting. If you know me, you know I don't ever sit around! I have plenty of my favorite things (gardening and getting ready for summer) and some of my not-so-favorite things (grading papers and end of the school year tasks) to keep me busy. But the days are flying by. So even though I have nothing new to report right now, I will soon! Stay tuned!

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